There are many reasons people are obsessed with travel. For me it is only one: witness the most amazing, scenic, beautiful, sacred, energy filling places on our planet,  and share this experience with others through my videos. Check out the VIDEO GALLERY where you will find the videos grouped by countries.


 Over the last 16 years, I have visited hundreds of amazing locations. In my YouTube channel AMAZING PLACES ON OUR PLANET you will find 370+ videos in 4K Ultra HD quality, and some older HD videos. These videos present the places in a natural way, in a similar way you would see them while visiting. Enjoy!

Explore 365 breathtaking places created by nature or people. From sacred places of worship and ancient ruins to stunning natural wonders, national parks, and best hiking trails: discover the beauty of our planet, including many UNESCO Heritage sites. Dive deeper into each destination with longer videos on my channel.